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Why doesn't MCR provide libmat.lib?

1 view (last 30 days)
Meng-Yuan Huang
Meng-Yuan Huang on 4 Aug 2013
Commented: Jay Kemper on 10 Mar 2015
Why doesn't MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) provide libmat.lib, libmx.lib, ...? I think it is a good idea that MathWorks releases these DLL import libraries to public, because more users will use its products.
Meng-Yuan Huang
Meng-Yuan Huang on 4 Aug 2013
Sorry, I found MCR R2013a did provide libmat.lib and libmx.lib, though MCR R2012b didn't.
Jay Kemper
Jay Kemper on 10 Mar 2015
So...where do we get libmat.lib for r2012b?

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