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Find closest matrix from list

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Andrew on 30 Jul 2013
I've got a matrix A(3x4) and a list of similar matrix M(i).x, where i=1:100. I need to find the matrix from list M which will be closest to my matrix A. How can I do that?
Iain on 30 Jul 2013
closest in what sense?
A = [0 1];
which would be closer
M(1).x = [0 1000];
M(2).x = [500 501];
M(3).x = [200 -200];
Jan on 30 Jul 2013
Edited: Jan on 30 Jul 2013
@lain: On first sight M(1).x is closest, because it is found in the topmost line. But if A is defined after M, M(3).x is closest. ;-)

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Answers (3)

Jan on 30 Jul 2013
bestValue = -Inf;
bestIndex = 0;
for k = 1:numel(M)
Value = getDistance(A, M(k).x);
if Value > bestValue
bestValue = Value;
bestIndex = k;
Now insert your criterion to determine the distance as you like. Perhaps you are looking for "Value < bestValue" and want to start with +Inf.
  1 Comment
Andrew on 30 Jul 2013
Sorry. but I can't find function getDistance in a Matlab Help

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Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 30 Jul 2013
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 30 Jul 2013
I propose this criterion sum(abs(a-b)) to be the smallest
for k=1:100

Andrew on 30 Jul 2013
Edited: Andrew on 30 Jul 2013
Sorry for incomplete question.
For example I've got matrix A[ 1 2 2; 1 2 3; 1 2 4] and in a list is present matrix M(3).x=[ 1 2 3; 1 2 3; 1 2 4] and M(4).x=[ 1 2 4; 1 2 3; 1 2 4]. Than matrix M(3).x will be closest. A can't use mean or sum of values in matrix to compare.
Iain on 30 Jul 2013
The question is what definition are you using for "distance" all these are valid options...
distance = max(abs(A(:)-M(i).x(:)));
distance = sum(abs(A(:)-M(i).x(:)));
distance = sum((A(:)-M(i).x(:)).^2);
distance = max(abs(A(:)-M(i).x(:)+mean(M(i).x(:))-mean(A(:)) ));
Andrew on 30 Jul 2013
Oh, I've just realized that I can use
distance = sum(abs(A(:)-M(i).x(:)));
to find the closest and use
distance = max(abs(A(:)-M(i).x(:)));
to cut off that values which are too "far". Okay, thanks a lot for your help!! I will try to do that.

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