Run system in background and print to command window when done
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Hi. In bash, I could run
{ echo "begin"; sleep 15; echo "finished" } &
This would run in the background, yet still output "finished" 15 seconds later. I find that this doesn't work the same when using system() in Matlab -- the final print doesn't output.
This is a simple example, but really I'm running a program from bash that takes a long time to complete and I'd like there to be an indication in my matlab command window when. it's done
Answers (1)
on 18 May 2021
I'm not sure if this works: You can let a timer check if a process called by java.exec has beenfinished already:
runtime = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime();
proc = runtime.exec('YourExternalFunction');
TimerH = timer('TimerFcn', {@CheckProcessCB, 'check'}, ...
'StopFcn', {@CheckProcessCB, 'stop'}, ...
'StartDelay', 10, ...
'BusyMode', 'drop', ...
'ExecutionMode', 'fixedSpacing', ...
'Period', 10, ...
'UserData', proc);
stop(TimerH); % Kills the process also
function CheckProcessCB(TimerH, EventData, Cmd)
proc = TimerH.UserData;
switch Cmd
case 'check'
rc = proc.exitValue();
fprintf('External function has exited:\n');
catch % Process is still running
case 'stop'
fprintf(2, 'Stopping external process\n');
The pushing wastes some time, but calling this every 10 seconds should be fair
1 Comment
on 16 Sep 2023
Edited: Serge
on 16 Sep 2023
Here is a handy function that may help others:
function varargout = startcmd(cmd,vrb)
%Run a system command as a separate process, which can be monitored.
% startcmd(cmd) -start command
% startcmd(cmd,vrb) -verbose: 0=none, 1=show progress, 2=show results
% T = startcmd(__) -return timer for monitoring the process
%-If output T is returned then it is up to the user to delete the timer
% when it is no longer required using T.delete
%-Use T.UserData to access process output when the process ends.
%-To stop the process prematurely use T.stop
% startcmd('ping localhost',2) %start process with verbose=2
% T = startcmd('ping localhost'); %start process and return the timer
% while T.Running=="on"
% pause(0.1) %wait for process to finish
% end
% T.UserData %process output
% T.delete %delete timer
if nargin<2 || isempty(vrb), vrb = 0; end
delTimer = ~nargout; %delete timer when the process ends
Proc = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime.exec(cmd); %start process
Timer = timer(TimerFcn=@Update,StopFcn=@Stop,ExecutionMode='fixedSpacing',Period=0.1); %timer to monitor the process
Timer.start; %start timer
if nargout
varargout = {Timer}; %return timer, if requested
function Update(~,~)
if ~get(Proc,'Alive')
Timer.stop %stop the timer, which also calls the Stop function
function Stop(~,~)
Proc.destroy %close java runtime
t = java.util.Scanner('\A').next; %read process output
Timer.UserData = regexprep(strtrim(char(t)),'\r',''); %save output to Timer.UserData
if vrb >= 1, fprintf('Finished: %s\n',cmd), end %show progress
if vrb >= 2, fprintf('%s\n',Timer.UserData), end %show output
if delTimer, Timer.delete, end %delete timer
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