Error converting from sym to double: Unable to convert expression into double array

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I am having a problem with the syms function in matlab and I was wondering if anyone could help. The help would be greatly appreciated.
The code is to caclulate the bubblepoint of a mixture which contains n components.
The beginning of the code can be seen below. The last line is where the error :Error converting from sym to double: Unable to convert expression into double array
P_total = input('Please enter the total pressure in mm Hg: \n');
n = input('Please enter the number of components:\n');
x = zeros(1, n); % Liquid phase mole fractions
y = zeros(1, n); % Vapour phase mole fractions
load Antoine_coefficients.txt % reading in the file which contains the Antoine Coefficients of the components
fprintf(' 1 = Acetaldehyde\n 2 = Acetic Acid \n 3 = Acetone \n 4 = Acetylene \n 5 = Ammonia\n 6 = Argon\n 7 = Benzene \n')
for ite = 1: n
fprintf('Please enter the corresponding number for the component %i in the feed stream: \n', i);
comp(i) = input(' ');
data1 = Antoine_coefficients(comp(i),:);
a(i) = data1(1);
b(i) = data1(2);
c(i) = data1(3);
for i = 1:1:n
fprintf('Please input the liquid phase mole fraction of component %i: \n', i);
x(1, i) = input(' ');
% bubble point temp. calc
syms T [1:n]
for i = 1:1:n
% y1 = x1 * Psat/Ptotal
y(i) = x(i).*(10.^Antoine(a(i), b(i), c(i), T)./P_total); % Antoine is the user defined function which calculates Psat
I would really appreciate any help.
Thank in advance!

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 17 Apr 2021
Try this to create ‘T’ as a vector:
n = 5 % Define ‘n’
syms T
T = sym('T', [1 n])
T =
[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]
Then address it as you would any other vector:
y3 = T(3)
y3 =
Kate Kirwan
Kate Kirwan on 18 Apr 2021
Hi thanks for your reply! I really appreciate the response!
I have tried what you have recommended but unfortunately I get the error : Using input and output arguments simultaneously is not supported.
Do have any idea on how to ensure that this error does not occur?
Thanks in advance!
Star Strider
Star Strider on 18 Apr 2021
I have no idea howcode such as mine could have thrown that error. My code ran without error and produced the result I posted.

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