Matlab App designer on a docker image on private VPS

4 views (last 30 days)
Hi Good dayi
i recently watched a mathwork video showing how we can deply a matlab file to docker container image...
Right now I have a app designer application which reads data from UDP and show some plotting and etc.
I am looking for a way to pack my app to a docker image. Then I upload it to my own private VPS (Ubunto) and then other users can access the graphical app using their browser... forexample I give them a URL and they can open it and interact with it...
Is it possible? Is there a documentatino for that? Can you please help me with the start point?

Answers (1)

Swastik Sarkar
Swastik Sarkar on 4 Jul 2023
You can deploy your MATLAB App that you built using MATLAB App Designer on the MATLAB Web App Compiler and deploy it using MATLAB Web App server.


Find more on Develop Apps Using App Designer in Help Center and File Exchange




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