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Different sizing on LHS and RHS

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi there, I'm wondering if anyone could explain why this error is happening. My code is not solving the full 100 iterations when solving for Ma1. It only reaches a value of i=98 in the for loop solving for ma1. Is there a reason it is stopping? or is there a way to make it solve all 100? I don't understand why it has an upper cap.
When I set TL to 1.8, the solution runs perfectly fine, but when I move it to 1.9 or higher it does not solve all the values of Ma1.
%set variables
To = 330;
MF_max = 0.2;
L_max= 2.1;
G = 1.4;
R = 287;
f = 0.003;
Po = 4;
TL = 2; % we can change this one
%PSW = 0.4; % location of pipe in realtion to total pipe length (m)
PSW = linspace(0.36,0.69); % min distance of shockwave in realtion to total pipe length
AL = length(PSW);
%PSW = 0.69 % max distance of shockwave in realtion to total pipe length
L12 = PSW*TL;
D = 0.03; % we can change this one too
Ma4 = 1;
P4 = 1.013;
Lc3 = TL-L12;
FLcD3 = 4*f*Lc3/D;
syms ma3
Ma3a = [];
for i = 1:1:AL
eqn1 = (-1./G).*(1-ma3.^-2)+((G+1)./(2.*G)).*log((((G+1)./2).*ma3.^2)./(1+((G-1)./2).*ma3.^2)) == FLcD3(i);
Ma3a(1,i) = vpasolve(eqn1,ma3,0.01);
Ma3 = Ma3a;
syms ma2
Ma2a = [];
for i = 1:1:AL
eqn2 = ((1+((G-1)./2).*ma2.^2)./(G.*ma2.^2-((G-1)./2))).^0.5 == Ma3(i);
Ma2a(1,i) = vpasolve(eqn2,ma2,[1 100]);
Ma2 = Ma2a;
FLcD2 = (-1./G).*(1-Ma2.^-2)+((G+1)./(2.*G)).*log((((G+1)./2).*Ma2.^2)/(1+((G-1)./2).*Ma2.^2));
FL12D = 4.*f.*L12./D;
FLcD1 = FLcD2 + FL12D;
syms ma1
Ma1a = [];
for i = 1:1:AL
eqn3 = (-1./G).*(1-ma1.^-2)+((G+1)./(2.*G)).*log((((G+1)./2).*ma1.^2)./(1+((G-1)./2).*ma1.^2)) == FLcD1(i);
Ma1a(1,i) = vpasolve(eqn3,ma1,1.1);
Ma1 = Ma1a;

Accepted Answer

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 27 Mar 2021
It works ok using fzero, as follows:
%set variables
To = 330;
MF_max = 0.2;
L_max= 2.1;
G = 1.4;
R = 287;
f = 0.003;
Po = 4;
TL = 2; % we can change this one
%PSW = 0.4; % location of pipe in realtion to total pipe length (m)
PSW = linspace(0.36,0.69); % min distance of shockwave in realtion to total pipe length
AL = length(PSW);
%PSW = 0.69 % max distance of shockwave in realtion to total pipe length
L12 = PSW*TL;
D = 0.03; % we can change this one too
Ma4 = 1;
P4 = 1.013;
FL12D = 4.*f.*L12./D;
Lc3 = TL-L12;
FLcD3 = 4*f*Lc3/D;
FLcD2 = zeros(size(FLcD3));
FLcD1 = zeros(size(FLcD3));
eqn1 = @(ma3,i)(-1./G).*(1-ma3.^-2)+((G+1)./(2.*G)).*log((((G+1)./2).*ma3.^2)./(1+((G-1)./2).*ma3.^2)) - FLcD3(i);
eqn2 = @(ma2,ma3)((1+((G-1)./2).*ma2.^2)./(G.*ma2.^2-((G-1)./2))).^0.5 - ma3;
eqn3 = @(ma1, FLcD1)(-1./G).*(1-ma1.^-2)+((G+1)./(2.*G)).*log((((G+1)./2).*ma1.^2)./(1+((G-1)./2).*ma1.^2)) - FLcD1;
ma3 = zeros(1,100);
ma2 = zeros(1,100);
ma1 = zeros(1,100);
ma3_0 = 0.5;
ma2_0 = 2;
ma1_0 = 0.5;
nbrs = 1:100;
for i = nbrs
ma3(i) = fzero(@(ma3) eqn1(ma3,i), ma3_0);
ma2(i) = fzero(@(ma2) eqn2(ma2, ma3(i)), ma2_0);
FLcD2(i) = (-1./G).*(1-ma2(i).^-2)+((G+1)./(2.*G)).*log((((G+1)./2).*ma2(i).^2)/(1+((G-1)./2).*ma2(i).^2));
FLcD1(i) = FLcD2(i) + FL12D(i);
ma1(i) = fzero(@(ma1) eqn3(ma1,FLcD1(i)),ma2_0);
ma3_0 = ma3(i);
ma2_0 = ma2(i);
ma1_0 = ma1(i);
Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 28 Mar 2021
The way you define your equations you have eqn1 representing ma3, and eqn3 representing ma1. So
for eqn1, ma3 depends on G and FLcD3
for eqn2, ma2 depends on G and ma3
for eqn3, ma1 depends on G and FLcD1
I've just noticed that my listing above has the following incorrect line
ma1(i) = fzero(@(ma1) eqn3(ma1,FLcD1(i)),ma2_0);
This should be
ma1(i) = fzero(@(ma1) eqn3(ma1,FLcD1(i)),ma1_0);
i.e. it should use the initial value for ma1_0
This won't make any practical difference in this case as the initial values are just guesses anyway. However, it is best to put this right!
Samuel Casallas
Samuel Casallas on 28 Mar 2021
Thanks a lot for your help. It makes more sense now and the calculation is more efficient than I had originally written.

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