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Error using feedforwardnet (line 72) FCN does not return an info object.

7 views (last 30 days)
With this code:
% Configuration:
alg1 = 'nnd9mc';% First training algorithm to use
H = 50;% Number of neurons in the hidden layer
delta_epochs = [1,14,985];% Number of epochs to train in each step
epochs = cumsum(delta_epochs);
%generation of examples and targets
dx=0.05;% Decrease this value to increase the number of data points
sigma=0.2;% Standard deviation of added noise
yn=y+sigma*randn(size(y));% Add gaussian noise
t=yn;% Targets. Change to yn to train on noisy data
hold on;
net1=feedforwardnet(H,alg1);% Define the feedfoward net (hidden layers)
I have got the following error:
Error using feedforwardnet (line 72)
FCN does not return an info object.
I executed theses lines in the command window (advice from another post):
rehash toolboxcache
But I still get the error, any one know where it comes from ?

Answers (1)

Jan on 20 Mar 2021
According to the documenation: the char vector 'nnd9mc' is not accepted as trainFcn.

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