Filled figures, saved as eps or pdf, now have weird lines when zoomed in, while png files do not,

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My filled figures, e.g. ellipses, using either the fill() or patch functions, and saved as eps or pdf files, now have weird lines -- so I tried saving my figures as png files and notice that these weird lines aren't there anymore. This is a fairly recent observation of mine. In the past, there were no issues with zooming into the figures. I've tried rendering the figures at various resolutions -- e.g. screen, auto, 300 dpi, and 600 dpi -- and I still see the weird lines when zooming into the figures.
For clarity, I do not think I have an issue with my pdf viewer; to check this, I looked through some of past rendered figures, saved as pdf files, and they look perfect when zoomed in. So, I think there's a recent change in Matlab ...
What could be the issue? And, is there a workaround for this?
Would using an additional vendor be advisable? I am thinking of purchasing a monthly subscription to Adobe Illustrator, but it's a bit pricey.
Thanks in advance,

Answers (1)

Abhinaya Kennedy
Abhinaya Kennedy on 8 May 2024
Edited: Abhinaya Kennedy on 8 May 2024
There are workarounds to avoid weird lines in eps/pdf exports of filled figures in MATLAB:
  1. Save as PNG: This format avoids the issue and offers good quality. (as you have rightly mentioned)
  2. Adjust renderer: Try "set(gcf,'renderer','painters')" before saving.
  3. Use "export_fig" function (File Exchange): This function ( might produce cleaner eps/pdf outputs.


Find more on Specifying Target for Graphics Output in Help Center and File Exchange




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