Integrating C# code into Simulink?

6 views (last 30 days)
Mark Golberg
Mark Golberg on 16 Mar 2021
Commented: Mark Golberg on 18 Mar 2021
I know I can take C / C++ code and add it as a "black box" to my Simulink model.
Can I do it with C# (C sharp) code as well?
Best Regards,

Answers (1)

Rishik Ramena
Rishik Ramena on 18 Mar 2021
As of now, Simulink only takes up custom blocks which integrate with C/C++ code. For further details or if you need help regarding this integration, have a look here.
  1 Comment
Mark Golberg
Mark Golberg on 18 Mar 2021
Can I compile my c# function to dll file with dot NET frame work, and then access this "dll function" via matlab simulink?
I mean, supposably I have a super simply function written in c# doing:
f(x) = x+2
can I "convert" (compile) it do DLL file... and afterward is it possible to somehow pass an input variable of x=7 to this new compile DLL and receive an output of 9?

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