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Trouble solving ODE equation

5 views (last 30 days)
Andrew Bickerdike
Andrew Bickerdike on 21 Feb 2021
Answered: Karan Nandankar on 1 Mar 2021
Im having trouble trying to setup code to solve an ODE when I already have the equation to i(t) and I need to solve to get an equation for P(t).
I have all the values for R2 R1 Cv and Lv.
Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
Jan on 21 Feb 2021
Okay, now I see the equation for i(t) (maybe I have overseen if before).
Do you need a symbolic solution? Most equations do not have a closed form and numerical methods are needed for an integration.
Did you try to integrate the equation numerically already? Do you have some code?
Andrew Bickerdike
Andrew Bickerdike on 21 Feb 2021
Its true that I need a symbolic solution. And I have not tried to integrate the solution already as I do not know where to start when it comes to even solving something like this in MATLAB.
Thanks again.

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Answers (1)

Karan Nandankar
Karan Nandankar on 1 Mar 2021
You can initiate solving this ODE by following this documentation from Symbolic Math Toolbox:


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