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Extracting data from excel spreadsheet based on shared dates

2 views (last 30 days)
I have two spreadsheets. One has the dates for a given plant phenological event. The other has the appropriate weather data for the year related to those dates.
I want to extract the data from the weather spreadsheet for the correspoding dates and add to the plant data sheet. I have attached sample data with an example colour highlighted of where the extracted data should end up.
I've tried some "ismatch" stuff but can't see a way forward. I'm sure it should be easy but I'm not making much progress.
Kindest regards.
  1 Comment
Wendy Cameron
Wendy Cameron on 22 Feb 2021
Actually this is easily done using the lookup function in excel but I just wondered if Matlab had a similar function.

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Answers (1)

Jemima Pulipati
Jemima Pulipati on 25 Feb 2021
From my understanding, you can use the following functions to read and write data from the excel files.
The readtable() function creates a table by reading columns from any of the supported file formats.
The writetable() function is used to write data to any of the mentioned supported file formats.
  1 Comment
Wendy Cameron
Wendy Cameron on 28 Feb 2021
Thanks for this response but it hasn't really answered the question. I have used excel instead, but just wondered if Matlab had a similar LOOKUP function as excel.
Kind regards, Wendy

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