Error using sum function in function handle
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Hi everyone,
Using the following code, I get a matrix dimension error. This is caused only shen using sum inside the function.
% Data
y = [0.85 0.90]'; % Measurements array m x 1
m = length(y);
% Function
L = @(m_x,s_x) (1./s_x.^m).*exp(-0.5.*sum(((y - m_x)./s_x).^2));
% Visualization:
fcontour(L,[0.6 1.4 0.05 0.15])
If I write the function analytically there is no problem.
L = @(m_x,s_x) (1./s_x.^m).*exp(-0.5.*(((y(1) - m_x)./s_x).^2 + ((y(2) - m_x)./s_x).^2));
Can anyone help me solve this issue?
Answers (1)
Steven Lord
on 11 Feb 2021
I suspect you have a variable named sum in your workspace when the anonymous function is created. If I'm correct the use of the identifier sum in L will be interpreted as an attempt to index into that variable not as a call to the sum function. Rename that variable.
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