Error message not connected

3 views (last 30 days)
Fiboehh on 13 May 2011
Hellow, im working with two motors for a project and they are connected via the Control instrument toolbox. Now i have used it in my gui, so the motor connect before the figure is shown. So in the function density_CreateFcn. But know, there must be a fault message when the gui starts and the motors arent connected properly. Anyone who has experience with this? Thx in advance

Accepted Answer

Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 13 May 2011
t = serial(...) % Try to open the connections.
u = serial(...)
errordlg('First Motor not connected properly.', 'Connect Error');
errordlg('Second Motor not connected properly.', 'Connect Error');
Now you should put a pushbutton on the GUI which has the same above code in the callback. Perhaps one pushbutton for each motor.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 13 May 2011
The serial port version of fopen() has no outputs: if there is a problem it throws an error.
Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 13 May 2011
Oh yeah, oops... Long day...

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More Answers (3)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 13 May 2011
If the motor isn't connected it will error when it tries to connect to it because it won't be able to.
Post the full error message text for a more pinpointed response.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 13 May 2011
I suspect that the answer you are looking for is that you should use a "try/catch" block around the fopen() for each of the motors. Though depending how you are finding the device information for the motors, you might be able to partly detect the condition earlier (e.g., if you only detect one COM port then you know that you don't have two motors connected.)

Fiboehh on 13 May 2011
The motors are connected like this:
t = serial('COM1','BaudRate',57600,'DataBits',8,'Stopbits',1,'ErrorFcn','Fout opgetreden!','Parity','none','FlowControl','none'); % rotations- motor
u = serial('COM3','BaudRate',112500,'DataBits',8,'Stopbits',1,'ErrorFcn','Fout opgetreden!','Parity','none','FlowControl','none'); % microcontroller
Now i want a message box that gives a error : 'Serial connection not established, please check connections and try again.' And a button to try if the new connection works. Maybe a try/catch is good, but i dont now how to make the error box for the gui.
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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 13 May 2011
The specific error for serial() failing to create the internal java object is MATLAB:serial:serial:cannotCreate
The specific error for serial fopen failing to open the internal java object is MATLAB:serial:fopen:opfailed
You can create an error dialog with
ed = errordlg({'Serial connection not established.', 'Please check connections and try again'});

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