Train PPO Agent to Swing Up and Balance Pendulum
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I'm trying to learn the Swing Up and Balance Pendulum example in PPOAgent. However, PPOAgent is not able to train it properly. How can I improve it?
I think the structure of the network is not working.
I am attaching the code below
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mdl = 'rlSimplePendulumModel';
env = rlPredefinedEnv('SimplePendulumModel-Continuous');
set_param('rlSimplePendulumModel/create observations','ThetaObservationHandling','sincos');
obsInfo = getObservationInfo(env);
numObs = obsInfo.Dimension(1);
actInfo = getActionInfo(env);
numAct = actInfo.Dimension(1);
env.ResetFcn = @(in)setVariable(in,'theta0',pi,'Workspace',mdl);
Ts = 0.05;
Tf = 20;
criticLayerSizes = [200 100];
actorLayerSizes = [200 100];
criticNetwork = [imageInputLayer([numObs 1 1],'Normalization','none','Name','observations')
criticOpts = rlRepresentationOptions('LearnRate',1e-3);
critic = rlValueRepresentation(criticNetwork,env.getObservationInfo, ...
inPath = [ imageInputLayer([numObs 1 1], 'Normalization','none','Name','observations')
fullyConnectedLayer(numAct,'Name','infc') ]; % 2 by 1 output
% path layers for mean value (2 by 1 input and 2 by 1 output)
% using scalingLayer to scale the range
meanPath = [ tanhLayer('Name','tanh'); % output range: (-1,1)
scalingLayer('Name','scale','Scale',actInfo.UpperLimit) ]; % output range: (-10,10)
% path layers for standard deviations (2 by 1 input and output)
% using softplus layer to make it non negative
sdevPath = softplusLayer('Name', 'splus');
outLayer = concatenationLayer(3,2,'Name','mean&sdev');
% add layers to network object
net = layerGraph(inPath);
net = addLayers(net,meanPath);
net = addLayers(net,sdevPath);
net = addLayers(net,outLayer);
% connect layers: the mean value path output MUST be connected to the FIRST input of the concatenationLayer
net = connectLayers(net,'infc','tanh/in'); % connect output of inPath to meanPath input
net = connectLayers(net,'infc','splus/in'); % connect output of inPath to sdevPath input
net = connectLayers(net,'scale','mean&sdev/in1'); % connect output of meanPath to gaussPars input #1
net = connectLayers(net,'splus','mean&sdev/in2'); % connect output of sdevPath to gaussPars input #2
actorOptions = rlRepresentationOptions('LearnRate',1e-3);
Actor = rlStochasticActorRepresentation(net,obsInfo,actInfo,...
'Observation',{'observations'}, actorOptions);
opt = rlPPOAgentOptions('ExperienceHorizon',512,...
agent = rlPPOAgent(actor,critic,opt);
maxepisodes = 5000;
maxsteps = ceil(Tf/Ts);
trainOpts = rlTrainingOptions(...
trainingStats = train(agent,env,trainOpts);
simOptions = rlSimulationOptions('MaxSteps',500);
experience = sim(env,agent,simOptions);
Answers (2)
Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis
on 4 Jan 2021
I think the fully connected layer in the actor may not have enough nodes (actorLayerSizes is not used anywhere).
Regardless, you can let Reinforcement Learning Toolbox create an initial architecture for the actor and the critic by following the example here. You can provide some initialization options to tailor the default architecture, or you can modify it afterwards.
shoki kobayashi
on 6 Jan 2021
Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis
on 6 Jan 2021
Seeing the plot from the Episode manager would help as well. But since the actor/critic structure seems ok, assuming the reward is similar to the respective examples, it now comes down to tweaking PPO hyperparameters or stopping criteria. For example, how did you come up with the -740 average reward? Was it from a shipping example? For hyperparameters there is really no recipe here - it's effectively trial & error. I have seen the clip factor play a big role - you may want to try 0.1 or 0.3 to see if that changes things. Depending on how the episode manager plot looks, the agent may need to explore more so increasing the entropy loss weight would be another thing to try.
See Also
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