How do i plot a bounding box around the output of a Moving object algorithm?
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ive used the background subtraction process to find moving objects from a real time video input and would like to plot the bounding box around only the moving object detected. is it possible??? and can i plot the centroid of the same???
Answers (1)
on 17 Mar 2013
With Image Processing Toolbox:
doc regionprops
An example:
BW = imread('text.png'); imshow(BW)
bb = regionprops(BW, {'BoundingBox','Centroid'});
centroids = cat(1, bb.Centroid);
boundingboxes = cat(1, bb.BoundingBox);
hold on
plot(centroids(:,1), centroids(:,2), 'r+')
for k = 1:size(boundingboxes,1)
hold off
Image Analyst
on 17 Mar 2013
The Computer Vision System Toolbox has lots of demos for tracking. You can search for them online. Here's one page: I've also seen a demo tracking people. You might save yourself a lot of time and effort (more than the cost of the toolbox) if you get that toolbox. It's not easy so take advantage of a whole team of people who worked through the difficult issues to make it easy for you.
See Also
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