Plotting Length vs Height

2 views (last 30 days)
kileigh palmer
kileigh palmer on 2 Dec 2020
Commented: Shubham Gupta on 3 Dec 2020
I am currently trying to create a GUI that plots length vs height, I'm currently working on the loop to do the length at different values. Whenever I do the loop below, it outputs one value on the graph, how might I do this?
lp = [0:200];
for i=1:length(lp)
SVP = exp(20.386-(5132/(T+273))); % to solve for vapor pressure
constants = (((101*10^3)/(1000*9.81))+3)-(((SVP*10^3)/(1000*9.81))+7); % answer is l/s
constants2 = (D+(f*lp))/(D*2*g);
V3 = (constants/constants2)^(1/3); % in m/s
hp = ((f*(lp/D)*((V3^2)/(2*g)))-2.6681); % important equation here
plot(lp, hp);
  1 Comment
Shubham Gupta
Shubham Gupta on 3 Dec 2020
I am sorry to say but the question is unclear and please provide other constant values which are not defined here.
Also, try:
What does it show?

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