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Matlab GUI zoom in/out

20 views (last 30 days)
Trevor Harris
Trevor Harris on 15 Mar 2013
Commented: Hassan Bosha on 16 Feb 2019
Hey all,
Plot some data, go ahead, do it. You'll see that in the toolbar that there is a zoom "in" and zoom "out". Both yeild the curser to do two different things. I'm trying to program this function into a gui I'm making with my own zoom in and zoom out buttons. The zoom in works with the "zoom" function within the callback function, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to make the too do the opposite. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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Hassan Bosha
Hassan Bosha on 16 Feb 2019
What is the code for zooming in ?

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Answers (2)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 18 Mar 2013
Are you using GUIDE?
If so, go to Tools -> Toolbar Editor and add the zoom in and zoom out buttons. There's no reason to reinvent the wheel.
As for doing it yourself, look at the doc for zoom() to see all of the things you can do. It's not as simple as just turning on zoom.
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A. Klomp
A. Klomp on 1 Sep 2014
I know its a bit late but, as commented here, you can also turn back on the original toolbars:

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Trevor Harris
Trevor Harris on 18 Mar 2013
I'm doing this programmatically, and it's a fairly complex GUI. I'm making my own toolbar to be placed vertically on the left side of the GUI. Not only that, I only want 4 of the existing tools, and I'm adding a few of my own. So, I'm not reinventing the wheel, I'm putting on studded winter tires :-)
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Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 18 Mar 2013
That is totally okay and encouraged!
It just means that you need to do a little bit more. Thus when you add the uitoggletool you have to specify how you want the zoom object to exist. I am too busy right now to make you an example but there is probably one out there.

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