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Initialization block executes unexpectedly and frequently

2 views (last 30 days)
I have inherited a masked subsystem with a lengthly initialization block. For some reason the initialization code executes frequently and not always when I would expect. Here are some of the events that trigger the initialization code to run:
  • when the next-level model window gets focus
  • when I move the subsystem block in the next-level model window
  • when I look under the mask
Any ideas why this would happen? It doesn't happen with subsystems I create and mask myself. They run their initialization blocks at times I would expect, like after I change mask parameters.
I cannot upload this proprietary model to a file-sharing site and I have not successfully reproduced the problem in a non-proprietary model, as discussed above.
I'm using R2010b and I don't know what version the masked subsystem was created in, but it was probably recent.
Thanks, Matt

Answers (1)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 3 May 2011
So you have a masked subsystem block. What do you mean when you say "with a lengthly initialization block"?
Every block could have many callbacks. For your masked subsystem block or any of the blocks inside that subsystem, right click a block, select "Block Properties ...", then select the "Callbacks" tab, do you see any callback function?
The behavior you described sounds like the function callbacks are triggered based on various event.
  1 Comment
Matt Garrett
Matt Garrett on 4 May 2011
Thanks for the help. It wasn't callbacks causing the problem. I'm actually not sure why it was happening but it has stopped now.
BTW, by "lengthy initialization block" I meant it takes long enough to execute that it's noticeable, i.e., a few seconds delay every time I performed one of the trigger actions listed above.

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