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Create multiple limits on input GUI

1 view (last 30 days)
JULIEN BRAVO on 27 Nov 2020
Commented: JULIEN BRAVO on 28 Nov 2020
Is there any way for me to create multiple limits on my edit field input in app design? So far this is what I tried out but this hasn't worked for me
switch app.From_Units_Temp.Value
case 'Celcius'
app.InitialValueEditField_Temp.Limits = [-273.15 Inf];
case 'Farenheit'
app.InitialValueEditField_Temp.Limits = [-459.67 Inf];
case 'Kelvin'
app.InitialValueEditField_Temp.Limits = [0 Inf];
case 'Rankine'
app.InitialValueEditField_Temp.Limits = [0 Inf];

Answers (1)

Avratanu Biswas
Avratanu Biswas on 27 Nov 2020
What if you use UIspinners instead of EditFields ? And set the limits out there.
Avratanu Biswas
Avratanu Biswas on 28 Nov 2020
Sorry, then probably I din't get you . What's exactly your goal ? With UIspinner you can set your max and min limits (then the user has access to choose within that limit you assigned.), as you mentioned in your code (where you are using EditFieldbox).
JULIEN BRAVO on 28 Nov 2020
So I'm trying to make a unit converter app and this specific piece of code is for my temperature conversions. I need to make sure that the inputs that users give are within my specified limits but since temperature has different limits for different cases (for example: kelvin would be zero to infinity but celcius would be -273 to infinity) I'm trying to assign multiple limits my EditFieldBox (this is where the user will input their desired value to me converted).
also from my code: app.From_Units_Temp.Value - is a dropdown of different temperature units to choose from, thus thats where the switch statements come from

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