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Error with array bounds

2 views (last 30 days)
Marcelo Boldt
Marcelo Boldt on 20 Nov 2020
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
Dear Community,
I am creating a function and unfortunately I dont know why I am getting this error "Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds." Can you please help me?
function [ABD_dome_2] = mt_laminate(Nsection,neutral_axis,Nplies)
%% Input Material Data
%% Laminate - Aluminum 2219 T6 alloy
%Nplies = 1; %Number of plies
E = 73800; % Young's Modulus in [N/mm^2]
t2 = 4.8; % Half Thickness of the thickest segment of the tank in [mm]
t1 = 1.5; % Thickness of the thinnest segment of the tank in [mm]
t = [1.5,4.8,2];
%% Temperature Gradients - Tank + Reinforcement Cylindrical Shell
deltaT = 0;
nu = 0.33; % Poisson's ratio
Coefficient = E/(1-nu^2);
% C matrix (material coordinates)- reduced stiffness matrix
Q = Coefficient * [1,nu,0;nu,1,0;0,0,(1-nu^2)/(2*(1+nu))];
%% Classical laminar theory
T = 25; % Temperature in [°C]
a = 1;
% m = 3; To use it in case I need HIBEF
Ai = zeros(3,3);
% A = cell(Nsection,1);
% B = cell(Nsection,1);
% D = cell(Nsection,1);
Bi = zeros(3,3);
Di = zeros(3,3);
NTi = zeros(3,1);
MTi = zeros(3,1);
Qbari = zeros(3,3);
NT_plot =[];
nt_plot = zeros(3,1);
ABD = cell(Nsection,1);
for n = 1:Nsection
for m = 1:Nplies
if (t(n)/2 - neutral_axis ==0)
zbar(n) = 0 ;
A{n,:} = Ai + Q*t(n);
B{n,:} = Bi + Q * t(n) * zbar(n);
D{n,:} = Di + Q * (t(n) * zbar(n)^2 + t(n)^3 / 12);
ABD1 = {A{n,:},B{n,:};B{n,:},D{n,:}};
ABD11 = cell2mat(ABD1);
%ABD{1,:}= {A,B;B,D};
ABD{1,:} = ABD11;
zbar_up(n,:) = (t(n) - neutral_axis)/2;
t_up(n,:) = (t(n) - neutral_axis);
zbar_down(n,:) = (neutral_axis)/2;
t_down(n,:) = neutral_axis;
A_up{n,:} = Ai + Q * t_up(n,:);
B_up{n,:} = Bi + Q * t_up(n,:) * zbar_up(n,:);
D_up{n,:} = Di + Q * (t_up(n,:) * zbar_up(n,:)^2 + t_up(n,:)^3 / 12);
A_down{n,:} = Ai + Q * t_down(n,:);
B_down{n,:} = Bi + Q * t_down(n,:) * zbar_down(n);
D_down{n,:} = Di + Q * (t_down(n,:) * zbar_down(n,:)^2 + t_down(n,:)^3 / 12);
ABD_up{n,:} = {A_up{n,:},B_up{n,:};B_up{n,:},D_up{n,:}};
ABD_up_Matrix = cell2mat(ABD_up{n,:});
ABD_down{n,:} = {A_down{n,:},B_down{n,:};B_down{n,:},D_down{n,:}};
ABD_down_Matrix = cell2mat(ABD_down{n,:});
ABD{n,:} = ABD_up_Matrix - ABD_down_Matrix;
%% Differential System Matrix
ABD_cyl_15 = ABD{1,:};
ABD_cyl_48 = ABD{2,:};
ABD_dome_2 = ABD{3,:};
%% 1.5 mm cylindrical Segment
r_cyl = 550;
A_cyl_15 = [0, 1/r_cyl - ABD_cyl_15(1,2)/(ABD_cyl_15(1,1) *r_cyl),0,1/(ABD_cyl_15(1,1)*r_cyl),0,0,0;
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1/r_cyl ,0,0;
0 , ABD_cyl_15(2,2)/r_cyl - ABD_cyl_15(1,2)*ABD_cyl_15(2,1)/(ABD_cyl_15(1,1)*r_cyl), 0,- (1/r_cyl) + ABD_cyl_15(2,1)/(ABD_cyl_15(1,1)*r_cyl),0,0,0.36;
0 , 0, 0, 0, -1, 0 ,0;
for m = 1:90
A_15_cell{m,:} = A_cyl_15;
%% 4.8 mm cylindrical Segment
rho = 1100;
r_cyl = 550;
A_48_cell = cell(60,1);
A_48_cell{1,:} = zeros(7,7);
% A_cyl_48(1,1) = - ABD_cyl_48(2,1) * ABD_cyl_48(4,4) + ABD_cyl_48(2,4) * ABD_cyl_48(1,4);
%t2_a31 = - ABD_cyl_48(1,2)* ABD_cyl_48(1,4) + ABD_cyl_48(2,4)* ABD_cyl_48(1,1);
% t2_a41 = - ABD_cyl_48(2,1)*ABD_cyl_48(4,4)*ABD_cyl_48(1,2) + ABD_cyl_48(2,1)*ABD_cyl_48(1,4)*ABD_cyl_48(1,5) + ABD_cyl_48(2,4)*ABD_cyl_48(1,4)*ABD_cyl_48(1,2) - ABD_cyl_48(2,4)*ABD_cyl_48(1,5)*ABD_cyl_48(1,1);
% t2_a46 = - ABD_cyl_48(2,1)* ABD_cyl_48(1,4) + ABD_cyl_48(2,4)*ABD_cyl_48(1,1);
% det_t2 = - ABD_cyl_48(1,1)* ABD_cyl_48(4,4) + ABD_cyl_48(1,4)^2;
% A_cyl_48 = [0, 1/r_cyl - ABD_cyl_48(1,2)/(ABD_cyl_48(1,1)*r_cyl),0,1/(ABD_cyl_48(1,1)*r_cyl),0,-ABD_cyl_48(1,4)/(det_t2*r_cyl),0;
% 1/r_cyl,0,1,0,0,0,0;
% 0,-(t2_a31)/(r_cyl*det_t2),0,-ABD_cyl_48(1,4)/(r_cyl*det_t2),0,-ABD_cyl_48(1,1)/(r_cyl*det_t2),0;
% 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1/r_cyl ,0,0;
% 0 , (ABD_cyl_48(2,2)/r_cyl - 1/(r_cyl*det_t2)*(t2_a41)), 0,- 1/rho + (1* t2_a11)/(r_cyl*det_t2) ,0,-((1*t2_a46)/(r_cyl*det_t2)),0.36;
% 0 , 0, 0 , 0, -1, 0,0;
% 0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
for i = 1:60
A_48_cell{i,:} =[0,1/r_cyl - ABD_cyl_48(1,2)/(ABD_cyl_48(1,1) *r_cyl),0,1/(ABD_cyl_48(1,1)*r_cyl),0,0,0;1/r_cyl,0,1,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,1/(ABD_cyl_48(4,4)*r_cyl),0;0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1/r_cyl ,0,0;0 , ABD_cyl_48(2,2)/r_cyl - ABD_cyl_48(1,2)*ABD_cyl_48(2,1)/(ABD_cyl_48(1,1)*r_cyl), 0,- (1/r_cyl) + ABD_cyl_48(2,1)/(ABD_cyl_48(1,1)*r_cyl),0,0,0.36;0 , 0, 0, 0, -1, 0 ,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0];

Answers (1)

Robert Mende
Robert Mende on 20 Nov 2020
Would you please send the whole error message? It's problematic for anyone trying to help you find an error that might occur in any line that contains an array.
Marcelo Boldt
Marcelo Boldt on 20 Nov 2020
>> mt_laminate(3,0.75,1)
Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds.
Error in mt_laminate (line 114)
A_cyl_48 = [0, 1/r_cyl - ABD_cyl_48(1,2)/(ABD_cyl_48(1,1)
*r_cyl),0,1/(ABD_cyl_48(1,1)*r_cyl),0,0,0;1/r_cyl,0,1,0,0,0,0;0,0,0,0,0,1/(ABD_cyl_48(4,4)*r_cyl),0;0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1/r_cyl ,0,0;0 ,
ABD_cyl_48(2,2)/r_cyl - ABD_cyl_48(1,2)*ABD_cyl_48(2,1)/(ABD_cyl_48(1,1)*r_cyl), 0,- (1/r_cyl) +
ABD_cyl_48(2,1)/(ABD_cyl_48(1,1)*r_cyl),0,0,0.36;0 , 0, 0, 0, -1, 0 ,0;0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
Robert Mende
Robert Mende on 20 Nov 2020
So your error appears within a part of the code that you commented out. Do you still need this part?

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