How can I solve it ?? Help please

1 view (last 30 days)
Melika Eft
Melika Eft on 5 Nov 2020
Commented: Melika Eft on 5 Nov 2020
How can I solve this Equation Sin(2t)-3t=3t-cos(t) without using ((solve)) Thank you

Answers (3)

KSSV on 5 Nov 2020
syms t
eqn = sin(2*t)-6*t+cos(t)==0 ;
s = solve(eqn,t)
Warning: Unable to solve symbolically. Returning a numeric solution using vpasolve.
s = 

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 5 Nov 2020
Edited: Ameer Hamza on 5 Nov 2020
You said without using ((solve)). Try fzero()
f = @(t) sin(2*t)-3*t-3*t+cos(t)
t_sol = fzero(f, 0)
>> t_sol
t_sol =
This solution does not require any additional toolbox.

KSSV on 5 Nov 2020
f = @(t) sin(2*t)-6*t+cos(t) ;
t = linspace(0,1,10^6) ;
y = f(t) ;
t0 = t(abs(y)<=10^-6)
t0 = 0.2385


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