How to combine multiple functions/lines/arcs in only one?

2 views (last 30 days)
I have drawn the following arc (drawn in pink)
Using and putting one next to another the following arcs (each one with different xp,yp,radius and centre values of course)
teta = linspace(rangini,rangfin);
xco = centre(1)+radius*cos(teta);
yco = centre(2)+radius*sin(teta);
There is any form of uniting those arcs in only one function so I could work with it more easily in further code/programm?
ErikJon Pérez Mardaras
ErikJon Pérez Mardaras on 2 Nov 2020
Edited: ErikJon Pérez Mardaras on 2 Nov 2020
It draws me a strange figure that has nothing to do with what I want. I have find the solution, however, a lot of thanks for your repply!

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Accepted Answer

ErikJon Pérez Mardaras
ErikJon Pérez Mardaras on 2 Nov 2020
The solution in making a matrix like that
arc=[x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x(n)... ;y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y(n)...]
Important putting the first coordinates first

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