Optimization Problem definition the function
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Hi everyone,
I am trying to define a nonlinear optimization function with 3 unknown variables which I need to optimize.
The optimization function is very large and needs a for loop to be defined, furthermore there are no contraint.
But I am having difficulty defining the function within the for-loop, what I currently have is:
syms x1
syms x2
syms x3
table = readtable('data.csv');
array = table2array(table);
x = [x1,x2,x3]';
for i=1:100
Afun = @(x)((x(1)*array(i,1)-x(2)*array(i,2)+x(3)*array(i,3))^2);
if i==1
FUN = Afun;
FUN = FUN + Afun;
But I get an error where the functions do not want to add, generally I am not sure if I am approaching this type of problem correctly with this method.
Any thought? Thanks!
Accepted Answer
on 25 Sep 2020
Edited: Dana
on 25 Sep 2020
When you do
f = @(x) ...
the variable f isn't a function, but a function handle, i.e., a sort of "pointer" that allows you to refer to the function you've created. As such, it doesn't make sense to add this handle to something.
A better approach to do what it seems you're after is, first of all, do away with the symoblic stuff. You don't need it. Assuming size(array)=[100 3], the following should do what you want:
table = readtable('data.csv');
array = table2array(table);
FUN = @(x) norm(array*x)^2;
Note that the function argument x passed in here should be a 3-element column vector.
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