How to increase the number and size of U-net layer in Matlab?

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Dear Researchers,
I would like to know how to increase the number of U-net layers and size of U-net layers. With reference to the following command (in Matlab): lgraph = unetLayers(imageSize,numClasses). How can I proceed to do that?
In Python it is easy to do it. For example,
model = tf.keras.sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape =(28,28,1)), # flattens it into a vector (we get our first flatten input)
tf.keras.layers.Dense(hidden_layer_size, activation = 'relu'), # (we get our 1st hidden layer)
tf.keras.layers.Dense(hidden_layer_size, activation = 'relu'), # (we get our 2nd hidden layer)
tf.keras.layers.Dense(output_size, activation = 'softmax'),
As can be seen, I can keep copy-pasting layers (to increase their numbers), with the option to define their size and activation function. How can I do the same in U-net, in Matlab?

Accepted Answer

Viswa on 27 Aug 2020
From your question, it looks like you are looking for options to customize the U-Net network with unetLayers() function.
unetLayers creates U-Net layers for semantic segmentation. You can find more information about the function and different input arguments in the following page.
You can also refer to the following page for interactively building networks with Deep Network Designer.

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