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Multiple Inputs Scope in Simunk

88 views (last 30 days)
Raymond Le
Raymond Le on 17 Apr 2011
Commented: Jorge on 24 Jun 2023
I know that we can use Mux Block to have multiple inputs come into Scope Block. However, I sometimes see models that have Scope Block with multiple inputs and I am really interested in creating one. I attach a sample picture below

Accepted Answer

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva on 17 Apr 2011
The Scopes already support multiple inputs, just go to the Scope parameters and choose the number of axes (double click on the scope to get the graph up and click the second icon on the toolbar (the one next to the printer))
You can also have a look at the floating scope, bring the graph up and click on the graph, that will open a window where you can select the input signals, no connection will be made to the floating scope but it will draw the selected signals.
Zayan Qazi
Zayan Qazi on 1 Apr 2021
in MATLAB 2020a, we can just right click on the scope. You'll see an option saying 'signals and ports'. Click on that and you can select the number of ports
Jorge on 24 Jun 2023
In MATLAB 2023a, we can select the scope and select "SCOPE" from the ribbon toolbar on top. There is a field to specify the number of ports.

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More Answers (1)

Vaibhav Saxena
Vaibhav Saxena on 6 Feb 2018
HI, with reference of your images, please use any one of the signal routing ie mux, merge or Bus creator. First connect multiple input signals with signal routing and connect output of it with scope. And run the model. You will get multiple plots in single frame of SCOPE. Note: Always use the same data type signals. It will not work multiple data type signals.
Vaibhav Saxena

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