Creating different sections in one graph

31 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to create a regieme map for some data that I have but I am having some trouble creating lines that sections the graphs and colouring each specific section. I have plotted the graph with all the infromation but the issue with the lines and colours .I have attached a photo of something similar.
thank you

Accepted Answer

Kiran Felix Robert
Kiran Felix Robert on 24 Jul 2020
Hi Ahmed,
It is my understanding that you have a set of points to plot of a graph, and you have different equations which divide the graph into different regions and you wish to partition the graph based on the equations using various colours. Assuming you know the equations which partition the graph this can be accomplished by the fill function in MATLAB. An example is also given in this answer. To apply different markers in different regions you can use logical indexing and plot separately as explained in this article. This is implemented as follows assuming some 4 dummy functions as regions and one line to be plotted across different regions,
Assume the 4 curves and lines to be as follows,
x1 = ones(1,450);
x2 = 1:5;
x3 = -1*ones(1,450);
x4 = 5*ones(1,450);
y1 = 1:450;
y2 = (4*x2).^2 + 50;
y3 = y1;
y4 = y1;
xline = -1:0.1:5;
yline = 200*ones(1,length(xline));
partitions can be made by
x1_f = [x1 fliplr(x3)]; % Creating closed are for fills
y1_f = [y1 fliplr(y1)];
x2_f = [x1 fliplr(x2)];
y2_f = [y1 fliplr(y2)];
x3_f = [x2 fliplr(x4)];
y3_f = [y2 fliplr(y4)];
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