Running the Same code for Multiple Files in a Folder
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on 1 Jul 2020
Commented: CMatlabWold
on 2 Jul 2020
tt10001 = readtable('10001.xlsx');
dsa = tt10001;
modelspec = 'Street ~ Catch*BackUp*PRCP - Catch:BackUp:Break:Manhole:PRCP';
mdl10001 = fitglm(dsa,modelspec,'Distribution','poisson')
I have multiple excel files (almost 200), such as "10001.xlsx" in a folder. The spreadsheets are of various zip codes, such as "10002.xlsx", "10003.xlsx"...
How can I run this code for every file in the folder?
And have the results "mdl10001.CoefficientCovariance" of each file exported to its own Excel spreadsheet, as in xlswrite?
Thanks. I'd very much appreciate any help with this.
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 1 Jul 2020
indir = '.'; %path to input directory
outdir = 'results'; %path to where to put the results
if ~exist(outdir, 'dir'); mkdir(outdir); end
dinfo = dir(fullfile(indir, '*.xlsx'));
filenames =
nfiles = length(filenames);
for K = 1 : nfiles
thisfile = filenames{K};
infile = fullfile(indir, thisfile);
outfile = fullfile(outdir, thisfile);
tt10001 = readtable(infile);
dsa = tt10001;
modelspec = 'Street ~ Catch*BackUp*PRCP - Catch:BackUp:Break:Manhole:PRCP';
mdl10001 = fitglm(dsa, modelspec, 'Distribution', 'poisson');
outdata = mdl10001.CoefficientCovariance;
writematrix(outdata, outfile); %needs R2019b or later
If you are using earlier than R2019b then the last few lines would be
outdata = mdl10001(:,'CoefficientCovariance'); %the sub-table!
writetable(outdata, outfile);
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