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Help with speciality dice simulator

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Erik on 14 Apr 2011
OK, so I'm trying my best to make a dice simulator for a role playing game I'm going to be hosting, which will plug into various other time-saving programs later on. This is the basics:
n number of six-sided dice are rolled and the results are added together. If all the dice except one (at most) are ones, that counts as a "perfect" hit. (If only one die is rolled, either a one, two or three counts as a perfect hit.) If two or more dice are sixes, that counts as a "fumble".
Now, I'm kinda new to programming, and have only taken a smaller course in it, and I hold no illusions to my version of the simulator being the best there is, or even just GOOD! If you have a better way of doing it, I don't mind you telling me =P
Here's the code for the dice function:
function [DieResult Special] = t6(n)
DieResult = 0;
NumberOnes = 0;
NumberTwos = 0;
NumberThrees = 0;
NumberSixes = 0;
for k=1:n % Rolls the dice
DieRoll = floor(rand()*6) + 1;
if DieRoll == 1
NumberOnes = NumberOnes + 1;
elseif DieRoll == 2
NumberTwos = NumberTwos + 1;
elseif DieRoll == 3
NumberThrees = NumberThrees + 1;
elseif DieRoll == 6
NumberSixes = NumberSixes + 1;
DieResult = DieResult + DieRoll;
if NumberOnes >= n - 1 && n >= 2 % Check fumble / perfect hit
Special = 1;
elseif NumberOnes == 1 || NumberTwos == 1 || NumberThrees == 1 && n == 1
Special = 1;
elseif NumberSixes >= 2
Special = 2;
Special = 0;
Now, I seem to be getting far too many perfect hits. For example, I can get a result of 8 (perfect) when only rolling two dice (n=2), which should not be possible. I've tried reading through all the code in search of what I've done wrong, but I can't find it!
Thanks in advance, any help is greatly appreciated!

Accepted Answer

Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 14 Apr 2011
From what I can understand, your code could become:
function [DieResult Special] = t6(n)
D = floor(rand(1,n)*6) + 1;
DieResult = sum(D);
Special = 0; % For now...
if sum(D==1)>=(n-1) || (n==1 && D<=3)
disp('A perfect hit')
Special = 1;
elseif sum(D==6)>=2
disp('A fumble')
Special = 2;
  1 Comment
Erik on 15 Apr 2011
Thanks a lot! That sure was a much simpler program, good thing you people actually know this stuff ^^

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