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How to create a plot with Slider and UI Input

238 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to create a interactive plot where the user has to select a point in the plot however the datasaet I am dealing with has large number of point (~1000) so the graph becomes cluttered. Thus i wanted to implement a slider where the user can chose the required number of points first which would update the graph automatically and when the user is satisfied they can chose the point using ginput. I have attached a sample snippet of the code here.
clear variables
close all
% The slider has to be implemented here so user can decide the number of points to be displayed,
% the graph has to update in real time to the responses of the slider.

Answers (1)

Harsha Priya Daggubati
Harsha Priya Daggubati on 16 Jun 2020
I guess the following link helps you get an idea on how to use a slider to control your plot. You can write code such that the callback associated with slider, helps to choose a suitable number of points to be displayed on the slider or you can modify the range of values of X and Y axes, to reduce the data density.
Gary Gorman
Gary Gorman on 30 Oct 2022
Harish, the linked demo requires a bunch of toolboxes. Is there a slider demo for interactive plots that doesnt have a whole bunch of tool boxes?

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