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Array indexing question for vectorization

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I have three arrays A, B, and IND, with A containing some values that I want to update, B containing the values that I want to use to update A, and IND containing the indeces to update in A. IND may reference the same index in A several times. For example, I may have:
A = ones(1, 10);
B = 1:10;
IND = [1 1 2 5 5 5 5 6 8 9];
and the update I want to do is multiplication. I can achieve this by doing
for ii = 1:10
A(IND(ii)) = A(IND(ii)) * B(ii);
which gives me my desired answer of
A =
2 3 1 1 840 8 1 9 10 1
Is there a way I can do this in a vectorized operation, avoiding the for loop (I'm potentially doing this kind of operation thousands of times on large arrays)? Doing
A(IND) = A(IND) .* B
results in
A =
2 3 1 1 7 8 1 9 10 1
Any tips greatly appreciated!
Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 13 Nov 2012
Are A and B always like that? Could they be more like:
A = randi(N,1,M);
B = randi(K,1,J);
or not?
Richard on 13 Nov 2012
Hi Matt,
My initial problem specification was indeed lacking - see my reply to Jan below for a more accurate representation of the problem...

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Accepted Answer

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen on 13 Nov 2012
Edited: Honglei Chen on 13 Nov 2012
You can try the following trick
c = unique(IND)
d = accumarray(IND',B',[],@prod)
A(c) = A(c).*d(c)'
José-Luis on 13 Nov 2012
True, but it still is slower than a for loop:
Elapsed time is 0.000003 seconds. %for
Elapsed time is 0.000828 seconds. %unique+accumarray
Elapsed time is 0.000515 seconds. %accumarray
Richard on 13 Nov 2012
Interesting, thanks. I'm still in the mindset of "for-loop bad", and aiming to replace them without necessarily thinking of the built-in function overheads...

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More Answers (1)

Jan on 13 Nov 2012
Edited: Jan on 13 Nov 2012
Is your A pre-allocated? If IND is sorted, running the loop backwards wil be faster:
for ii = 10:-1:1
A(IND(ii)) = A(IND(ii)) * B(ii);
If IND is not sorted, pre-allocate explicitly:
A = zeros(1, max(IND));
For more speed create a C-Mex function. If you are interested and have a compiler installed, I can post the few required lines of code.
Richard on 13 Nov 2012
Hi Jan,
Yes, A is preallocated. Actually the problem is a bit more complicated than I posted (note to self: make sure your example code is suitable!): in my actual application, A is a 2D matrix, and B is a 1D array with fewer elements than A, so the solution I've accepted doesn't quite work... e.g.
% A more accurate example...
A = zeros(20000, 10);
indR = randi(20000, 1, 500); % row indeces
indC = randi(10, 1, 500); % column indeces
IND = sub2ind(size(A1), indR, indC);
B = rand(1, 500);
for ii = 1:length(IND)
A(IND(ii)) = A(IND(ii)) * B(ii);
(in this example with random indeces I think the instances of duplicate values in IND are quite low compared with the actual program). Thinking about it, my IND values could be sorted if I reorganised my data a bit prior to this (which may be worth the reorganisation overhead as this bit of the program is running in a simulation loop over many time steps)...
Thanks for the useful discussion everyone.
Jan on 13 Nov 2012
@Richard: A = zeros(...); ... A(k) = A(k) * ... leads to zeros. As in your original question your need ones().

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