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compiling with shared mfiles into some sort of library

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi All,
I'm trying to compile my first Matlab programme with mcc and I'm pretty confused! I'm unsure about the best way to deal with shared mfiles. For example say I have the following three functions in separate mfiles.
function y = foo(x)
y = x * 2;
function prog1
function prog2
I wish to compile both prog1 and prog2, this I can do using 'mcc -m prog1.m' etc. However is it possible to compile the shared function foo.m in some sort of library that prog1 and prog2 can both use.
The goal is to be able to update and recompile the function foo.m without having to recompile prog1 and prog2?
How would this process change if I had a whole folder filled with such shared functions? (foo1, foo2 etc).
Thanks for your help, Matt

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