How do i read the exact values from a textfile

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SA on 28 Apr 2020
Commented: SA on 29 Apr 2020
I have a textfile that contains a vector of length 441. However when i use the fileread command, Matlab says the file has length.12350. It prints put all the values but a wrong size. How do I correct this?
The file ia attached below
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 28 Apr 2020
SA - strange..not sure why it would be empty. Possibly something in the formatting of the file (?). See Tommy's answer below for a working solution.
SA on 29 Apr 2020
Hi Geoff, I used the importdata and it worked. I am just wondering why it didn't at first. Thanks for the help

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Answers (1)

Tommy on 28 Apr 2020
Edited: Tommy on 28 Apr 2020
fileread is reading each character from the file. If you want to interpret those characters as numbers, one option is to use textscan:
fileID = fopen('finite1_lu.txt');
A = textscan(fileID, '%f', 'HeaderLines', 1);
SA on 29 Apr 2020
It says the readmatrix is an undefined name
SA on 29 Apr 2020
I was able to solve it. I used the importdata and it worked. Thanks for the assistance

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