Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

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Boris Novosad
Boris Novosad on 5 Apr 2020
Commented: Boris Novosad on 5 Apr 2020
Hello people, I have this code and on the last row I am experiencing this error.
data - 886x1 double
time - 886x1 double
WL = 60; %nastaveni delky okna
kA = 7; %vahovaci konstanty
kF = 1;
mez = 2800; %nastaveni velikost meze
Fvz = 20;
nastdelka = length(data);
plot(time,data); %zobrazeni vybraneho kanalu eeg signalu
xlabel('Čas [s]');
for n = 1:(nastdelka*Fvz-2*WL-1)
Aw1(n) = sum(abs(okno1)); %vypocet amplitudy
Aw2(n) = sum(abs(okno2)); %jednotlivych oken
for m = 2:WL-1
Fw1(n) = sum(abs(okno1(m+1)-okno1(m-1))); %vypocet frekvence
Fw2(n) = sum(abs(okno2(m)-okno2(m-1))); %jednotlivych oken
G(n) = kA*abs(Aw1(n)-Aw2(n))+kF*abs(Fw1(n)-Fw2(n)); %mira rozdilu oken <-- ERROR OCCURANCE - Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 5 Apr 2020
Boris - when I run your code (with dummy values assigned to the data and time arrays) I see the same error on this line
Given that we are iterating as
for n = 1:(nastdelka*Fvz-2*WL-1)
and nastdelka is the length of data which is 886, does this make sense? Or are your arrays larger than 886x1?
Boris Novosad
Boris Novosad on 5 Apr 2020
Hello geoff, yes, nastdelka = 886. I solved the problem by running the code without the Fvz, that means I don´t have to multiply nastdelka with Fvz. But I didn't understand why did the error appeared.

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Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 5 Apr 2020
Put this as the first lines inside your for loop
if n+1+2*WL > length(data)
fprintf('Skipping n = %d because %d (which is n+1+2*WL) is longer than data, which has only %d elements in it.\n'...
n, n+1+2*WL, length(data));
Now look in the command window after your loop finishes. What do you see?
  1 Comment
Boris Novosad
Boris Novosad on 5 Apr 2020
Thanks Image Analyst, now I see why I can't run the loop properly.
Skipping n = 17689 because 17720 (which is n+1+2*WL) is longer than data, which has only 886 elements in it.

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