shift horizontal histogram to right

13 views (last 30 days)
Mos_bad on 27 Mar 2020
Edited: Adam Danz on 27 Mar 2020
I am trying to shift the entire histogram to right, i.e. at 0.04 instead of 0, without changing the xticks.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 27 Mar 2020
Would the waterfall plot be okay? Check out the waterfall function.
Mos_bad on 27 Mar 2020
As the figure is 2D, waterfall doesn't work. What I wnt is 2D plot of the horizontal PDF curve for each column vector of dotted data.

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Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 27 Mar 2020
Edited: Adam Danz on 27 Mar 2020
Here's a demo that shows how to compute a probability density estimate for each column of data and how to plot the PDF curve next to each column of data. See inline comments for details.
% Produce a matrix of data where each column of y contains
% data for each vertical stack of dots with x-coordinates
% defined by x.
x = 0:5:50;
y = (randn(50, numel(x)) + linspace(.5,5,numel(x))) .* linspace(.5,2,numel(x));
% Plot the data
plot(x, y, 'bo')
% Compute the probability density estimates (pdfx) for each column of y
nSets = size(y,2);
nPoints = 1000;
points = linspace(min(y(:)), max(y(:)), nPoints);
pdfx = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(col){ksdensity(y(:,col),points)'}, 1:nSets));
% Compute the interval between the x-values
xInterval = mean(diff(x)); % ie, = 5
% Normalize results so that all pdf values are
% between 0 and 85% of the x-interval while maintaining
% the relative heights across all pdf curves.
pdfxNorm = (pdfx - min(pdfx,[],'all')) * (xInterval*.85/range(pdfx(:)));
% NOTE: if you want each pdf curve's height to be independent
% and *not* maintaining the relative hights across all pdf
% curves, use this line instead:
% pdfxNorm = (pdfx - min(pdfx,[],1)) .* (xInterval*.85./range(pdfx,1));
% Horizontally offset the pdfxNorm values so each column
% corresponds to an associated x-value.
pdfxShift = pdfxNorm - min(pdfxNorm,[],1) + x;
% Compute y-values for the pdf curves so that the
% curves do not extend beyond the range of the
% data within each column.
pdfYvals = repmat(points(:),1,size(pdfxShift,2));
pdfYvals(pdfYvals < min(y, [], 1) | pdfYvals > max(y, [], 1)) = NaN;
% Add PDFs to plot
axis tight
xlim([min(x), max(x)+xInterval])
hold on
plot(pdfxShift, pdfYvals, 'r-')
grid on
Here's an example of independent-height option for the pdfxNorm variable, using different random data.

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