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Create Small Neighborhood of image

2 views (last 30 days)
I want to make small neighborhood of every pixel x. The small neighborhood has center x (pixel x be the center) in radius w.
Suppose w=5, so I have 5x5 small neighborhood with pixel x is the center of neighborhood.
How can I make it?
Thank you.

Accepted Answer

Vinai Datta Thatiparthi
Vinai Datta Thatiparthi on 7 Feb 2020
Hello Yohanes,
val = imread(' ... '); % Your input matrix/image
[xCoOrd, yCoOrd] = [ ... ] % Co-Ordinates of the center pixel
nbh = 5; % Neighborhood Size
For a square neighborhood, the variable roi will hold the intensity values of neighboring pixels.
limit = floor(nbh/2);
roi = val(xCoOrd-limit:xCoOrd+limit, yCoOrd-limit:yCoOrd+limit);
Additionally, if you want the positions of the neighbors in subscripts,
rowLen = [xCoOrd - limit: xCoOrd + limit]'; % Range of Rows
colLen = [yCoOrd - limit: yCoOrd + limit]; % Range of Columns
rowIdx = meshgrid(rowLen, 1:nbh)'; % All the X coordinates of neighbors
colIdx = meshgrid(colLen, 1:nbh); % All the Y coordinates of neighbors
Hope this helps!
Yohanes Setiawan
Yohanes Setiawan on 12 Feb 2020
Edited: Yohanes Setiawan on 12 Feb 2020
Thank you very much. Your answer is really help me.
For the edge cases, how if I use this:
[row col]= size(val);
if a<1
if b>row
if c<1
if d>col
Is that logical correct (especially in the neighborhood concept of image processing) for computing neighbor of a pixel? Or we need the padding as you give me the link for solution?
Vinai Datta Thatiparthi
Vinai Datta Thatiparthi on 21 Feb 2020
Hey Yohanes,
Yes, this approach could work as well. Simple if-else statements checking for edge cases, and then assigning the neighbors (the ones that are beyond scope) NaN values.

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