How to set shortcuts for zoom tool in my own GUI?

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I wrote a GUI in which the zoom tool was frequently used, so I wanted to give it a shortcut. I wrote the figure's KeyPressFcn as follows, but it didn't work.
Q1. The "Ctrl+0" means zoom out, and it worked just fine. But "Ctrl+E" to zoom on just didn't work. How should I wrote the function `zoomKeys`?
Q2. I wanted to use "ctrl+=", but it was used by the editor to zip the codes. Can I still somehow use "Ctrl+="?
function myfunc1(fig)
fig.KeyPressFcn = @zoomKeys;
hAxes = axes(fig);
% some codes
function zoomKeys(~, event)
if strcmp(event.Modifier, 'control')
switch event.Key
case 'E' %'='
% zoom(gcf, 'on');
case '0'
zoom out;
Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami on 26 Jan 2020
Using just zoom, will only toggle the mouse zoom on and off.
Pass a value to specifiy how much to zoom in.
zoomfactor = 2;
Albert Bing
Albert Bing on 26 Jan 2020
Edited: Albert Bing on 26 Jan 2020
Well, the question is the shortcut "ctrl+E" just doesn't work, no matter "zoom" or "zoom(2)".

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Accepted Answer

Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami on 26 Jan 2020
Edited: Mohammad Sami on 26 Jan 2020
Just tested your code. turns out event key is in lower case. Just to safe (in case of capslock), lets convert the value to upper case before comparison.
function zoomKeys(~, event)
if strcmp(event.Modifier, 'control')
k = upper(event.Key);
% disp(k); % for debugging
switch k
case 'E' %'='
% zoom(gcf, 'on');
case '0'
zoom out;
Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami on 27 Jan 2020
See if Yair Altman's solution works for you. It is quite an old post, so I don't know if it works for the current version.

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