Seeking suggestions to speed up JSON parsing to table.
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I am seeking assistance in speeding up the processing time needed to parse very large JSON files and endup with a flat table of values. I have a solution that works, it just takes on the order of 3-6 minutes to process even a relaively small (for the sensor data in question) file of 57,360 JSON strings.
The original file is many thousands of individual track reports from a radar system. To aid further processing and analyis work, I want to get these track reports into a flat table of 130 variables. jsondecode faithfully decodes the strings and produces a struct with all the data. Unfortunately, the data includes many structures itself, and so simply doing a struct2tableisn't then whole answer.
for i = 1:lengthOfArray
% Decode the current row of the character array containing the JSON
currentRow = jsondecode(importedFile{1,1}{i,1});
In fact, trying to different variations of converting each sub-structure to a table and concatenating into one final flat table appears to be even more time consuming than my current solutions, which is brute force reading each field of each structure/sub-structure and assigning it to a flat temporary holding structure, then at the end converting that temporary structure to a table. Here is a short excerpt to show you what I mean:
tempStruct(i).trackQuality =; %Track quality
tempStruct(i).covarianceType =; %Discriminator = cartisian or shperical
tempStruct(i).coVarCartesian_varX =; % Track Variance for X. Meters^2
tempStruct(i).coVarCartesian_covXY =; % Track Covariance for X & Y
tempStruct(i).coVarCartesian_covXZ =; % Track CoVar for X & Z
Before I continue, here are some relevant profiler results:
The tabular display I think must be the final output to the command window of the struct2Table function. I can't figure out how to suppress that.
trackReportTable = struct2table(tempStruct);
Time conversions are killing me. The radar reports seconds and microseconds in seperate fields every time a timestamp is required. There are 25 times stamps in each JSON string. So for every iteration of the loop that parses the JSON file, I have to call a custom function ambTime2mat to convert the time stamps to datenum.
function [serialDateNum] = ambTime2mat (epochSeconds,microSeconds)
%This function returns date and time in matlab date serial number format
%from a given input of seconds since 1/1/1970 and microseconds since the
%last second.
% **** NOTE: Due to the mechanisim to combine the fields, the result only
% has millisecond resolution. ****
% Epochseconds = Seconds since January 1st, 1970
% microSeconds = Microseconds since value in seconds.
% serialDateNum = date and time in Matlab date serial number format.
%EXAMPLE 01: ambTime2mat(timeInEpochSeconds,microseconds);
%Check to see that something was passed.
if nargin == 0
error('No data passed, nothing to convert');
% Epoch seconds to date serial
dnum = datenum(1970,1,1,0,0,epochSeconds);
% No apparent way to add microseconds to datenum, so convert to milliseonds
% and accept loss of resolution :(
partialSeconds = round(microSeconds/1000);
% Add the milliseconds to the date serial number
serialDateNum = addtodate(dnum,partialSeconds,'millisecond');
I think there is substantial room for improvement here, but I can't identify it. The goal is to get seconds and microseconds from seperate fields converted into a single serial date number, loosing some resolution if necessary.
Thoughts, opinions, suggestions all welcome. Keep in mind this parser is part of a larger set of analysis tools and so doing things like creating a flat table or converting to datenum is simply to get the data into a common format the other tool components expect.
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