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Simulink Solver Information tooltip, Solver selection and Stepsize calculation

1 view (last 30 days)
The Simulink Solver help under Solver Overview, both online and in the slgui.pdf manual (p. 14-6 for R2018b), contains the comment that:
Once the model compiles, the Solver Information tooltip displays
  • Compiled solver name
  • Step size (Max step size or Fixed step size)
Once the model compiles, the status bar displays the solver used for compiling and a carat (^) when:
  • Simulink® selects a different solver during compilation.
  • You set the step size to auto. The Solver Information tooltip displays the step size that Simulink calculated.
How do I view or access this tooltip? and
(How) Can I force Simulink to select a solver and/or to calculate a step size (or to display that calculated step size)?

Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 17 Dec 2019
Edited: Fangjun Jiang on 17 Dec 2019
Maximize the the window of your Simulink model, at the most bottom-right corner, you'll see the solver name, such as ode45. Click it.
If you want to force a solver or step size, click the gear icon at the popup window. Or Press Ctrl+E at the model.
  1 Comment
Gerrit on 17 Dec 2019
That wasn't as obvious as it could have been, but it is indeed there if you know where to look. Thanks!

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