Undefined function or variable 'xlim' Error

4 views (last 30 days)
All of a sudden I get the following error when running a function
Undefined function or variable 'xlim'.
Error in ba (line 50)
xlim([100 500])
I am using R2019a and have tried prior recomendations i found on the forum like the following:
rehash toolboxcache
but this did not work. If i remove the
xlim([100 500])
line (line 50 in function) or change xlim to ylim then it runs fine.
Any help would be appreciated.

Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 5 Dec 2019
run"which -all xlim"?
HpW on 5 Dec 2019
Ack. i figured it out....
I must have accidently deleted something in my function declaration which should be
function [xlim_a, xlim_b] = ba(var1, var2)
the typo deleted the "_a" and made it:
function [xlim, xlim_b] = ba(var1, var2)
fixing the typo fixed the issue....thanks so much for your help!!
Probably good example to not name variables close to main matlab functions.....

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