matlab graph using excel data

8 views (last 30 days)
sidra Rafique
sidra Rafique on 19 Nov 2019
Commented: Walter Roberson on 12 Jan 2025
i have an excel file (say file1.xlsx)numeric data with 2000 rows and 25 colums. and i have 20 such excel sheets in this file with the same number of rows and colums.
i want to create a matlab file which will create graph of sheet1 of this excel file and save it with all the settings(labels, legends, font, etc), so that next time i only select the sheet2 and it will auomatically create graph and so on for the next 20 sheets of the same excel file.
is there any tool in matlab for such plotting or i have to write piece of code.
if coding is the solution then please help me through this.
thank you in advance

Accepted Answer

munue on 19 Nov 2019
Have a look to this question:
It provides some basic commands you could use to implement a solution for your question - Open an Excel file, choose a sheet, read data from that sheet.
Hope it helps.
munue on 19 Nov 2019
So, after you open your Excel file, choose a sheet and choose the data you want to plot, it is a matter of using the plot function:
At the bottom of that link, you'll find some suggested functions related to some of the functionalities that you are looking for:
If you go into those links you'll find examples of how to work with them, so you can programmatically create your desired plots.
Hope it helps - again
sidra Rafique
sidra Rafique on 19 Nov 2019
i am facing a strange problem ... i have open an excel file from activex the way you told me in first responce. my original excel sheet has ranges of
min=3.174 like this, but activex has somehow converted the whole data to the range of this.
i dont know. why this is happening. please help me in understanding this.

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More Answers (2)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 19 Nov 2019
Import the first set of data and generate the figure as you want it to appear. Once you have set up one figure, generate code that you can use with the second, third, etc. data sets to create a new figure that looks roughly like the first. Depending on how your later data sets differ from your first you may need to adjust the appearance of the later figures to get them to look exactly how you want, but the generated code should start you off with something close to what you want.

Chintan on 12 Jan 2025
How to plot a graph in matlab using excel data?
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Jan 2025
Use readmatrix or readtable or readcell or xlsread to read in the data. If necessary, extract data from the resulting table or cell array.
You now have data in memory, which you can proceed to graph using your favourite graphing function. The graphing functions do not care where the data originated. There are no graphing functions that are specific to excel data, because once the data is read in it is just data.

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