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Simulink F28335 ADC block can not work

2 views (last 30 days)
SIN YAN WU on 10 Nov 2019
I want to use the ADC to control the LED flashing, but the simulink ADC module has a problem, if it is replaced by a sin wave, it will work normally.
Matlab 2018b
Embedded Coder Support Package for Texas Instruments C2000 Processors v18.2.4 This version seems to have a problem
TI controlSUITE v3.4.9
TI C2000Ware v1_00_05_00
CCS v8.3.1
TI F28335
Windows 10
I suspect that SIMULINK has a problem with CODE. Has anyone encountered this problem like me?

Answers (1)

Srimouli Rukmabhatla
Srimouli Rukmabhatla on 19 Mar 2020
Assuming that you are facing an issue in connecting ADC block with GPIO block. In order to not to lose the data you have to select appropriate number of Input Channels in ADC Block with respect to GPIO block. Please do check the example model attached.

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