In the Driving Scenario Designer app, how can I generate a large number of vehicles or a platoon with the same characteristics ?
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Bo Lin
on 17 Oct 2019
Answered: Roshin Kadanna Pally
on 1 Nov 2019
In the Driving Scenario Designer app, how can I generate a large number of vehicles or a platoon with the same characteristics ?
When I create a New Driving Scenario,I need to add a lot of cars,it turns out that I need to add one by one,so,I wonder if it has another simple way to add a large number of cars.
Thank you.
Accepted Answer
Roshin Kadanna Pally
on 1 Nov 2019
This request will be considered in a future release.
The best way to do this now (for actors or roads), is to script it in a for loop etc. using the programmatic drivingScenario API. This gives you full control and you can save the script or function you use as some sort of a template for your future work. After producing the drivingScenario object from the script or function, use:
>> drivingScenarioDesigner(scenarioObj)
and bring that to the App. Then move on to the next steps in your workflow.
More Answers (1)
Divya Gaddipati
on 22 Oct 2019
I have brought this issue to the notice of our developers. They will investigate the matter further.
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