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for loop not working

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Apoorva Maiya
Apoorva Maiya on 24 Jul 2019
Commented: Apoorva Maiya on 25 Jul 2019
here is the for loop that im trying to run. my problem is the variable PON is not getting updated and assigned inside the for loop. Can someone please help?
% the size of VAL is 3*1. M=3. the issue is the value of PON is showing 0.
for i=1:M
PON=VAL(i+1); % when i execute this line seperately it works fine but when the whole code is executed the value of PON is not updated.
Matt J
Matt J on 24 Jul 2019
Edited: Matt J on 24 Jul 2019
In what way is PON supposed to "update"? is it supposed to sum the values of "VAL" over the course of the loop?
Dennis on 24 Jul 2019
What is the goal of your if statement? I doubt that (i>i+1) will ever be true.

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 24 Jul 2019
The condition i>i+1 can never be true, so no wonder the line
is not executing. If it did execute, however, it would just over-write PON every time. Your code doesn't make it clear in what manner PON is supposed to "update" as new values of VAL are reached.
  1 Comment
Apoorva Maiya
Apoorva Maiya on 25 Jul 2019
thankyou for the help sir, the statement
was never true as you said. Thank you for the help.

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