Export Cell-Data to .xlsx [Saves less data]

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello Everyone,
I am using following code to export Cell-data to .xlsx file.
output = [header; Dataset];
xlswrite(filename,output); % Write to the new excel file.
Where as;
header is cell with 1*13 size
dataset is cell with 189*13 size
I have concentrated them using a variable output but xlswrite is only writing 2 header names instead of all names.
For instance;
the result is:
Whereas, the output-variable is as follows, so .xlsx should show all header names as well:
Any help would be appreciated :-)
Best regard,s
Waqar Ali Memon
Waqar Ali Memon
Waqar Ali Memon on 17 Jul 2019
I have clipped both Dataset and header variables.
Thank you :-)
Waqar Ali Memon
Waqar Ali Memon on 17 Jul 2019
While using following code:
fid = fopen(file, 'wt') ; %%% opens above created CSV file.
fprintf(fid, '%s,', header{1,1:end-1}) ; %%% saves header in it.
fprintf(fid, '%s\n', header{1,end}) ; %%% moves cursor to next row.
fclose(fid); %%% closes above created CSV file.
I am getting this error:
Error using fprintf
Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs.

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Accepted Answer

Peter Jarosi
Peter Jarosi on 17 Jul 2019
Edited: Peter Jarosi on 17 Jul 2019
I recommend converting your cell-data to table and using function writetable().
myTable = cell2table(Dataset, 'VariableNames', header);
writetable(myTable, filename, 'WriteVariableNames', true);
There is a new function writecell() introduced in R2019a, which can write cell objects into Excel files directly. You may also want to try it. https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/writecell.html
Peter Jarosi
Peter Jarosi on 18 Jul 2019
I like your more elegant method fixing header problems:
header = matlab.lang.makeValidName(header)
Waqar Ali Memon
Waqar Ali Memon on 31 Jul 2019
Hope you would be doing great:-). I am incurring a little problem here. By exporting a data to table and than writing a table removes pre 0. I mean it saves 0409 to 409. Is there any way to preserve initial zeros?
Second, can we sort the data in columns as well? For instance, it sorts Text data to flush left and numerical data to flush right. Can we initialize a directon for that?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you :-)

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More Answers (1)

Peter Jarosi
Peter Jarosi on 17 Jul 2019
Actually, your Dataset and header need some massage before converting to table:
Dataset = cellfun(@num2str, Dataset, 'un', 0);
header = cellfun(@char, header, 'un', 0);
header = strrep(header, '02', 'file_02');
header = strrep(header, ' ', '_');
header = strrep(header, '.', '_');
header = strrep(header, '-', '_');
header = strrep(header, '(', '_');
header = strrep(header, ')', '_');
header = strrep(header, '[', '_');
header = strrep(header, ']', '_');
myTable = cell2table(Dataset, 'VariableNames', header);
writetable(myTable, filename, 'WriteVariableNames', true);
It'll work for you. I've tested.
Waqar Ali Memon
Waqar Ali Memon on 17 Jul 2019
Thank you for the solution, could you please elaborate, why and how to add these messages.
For example, if new header is added, show i need to add extra message ?
Once again, appreciated :-)
Peter Jarosi
Peter Jarosi on 17 Jul 2019
Edited: Peter Jarosi on 17 Jul 2019
You're very welcome Waqar Ali Memon!
Massaging header was needed, because it violated the rules of variable names. Quote "A valid variable name begins with a letter and contains not more than namelengthmax characters. Valid variable names can include letters, digits, and underscores." End quote. https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/isvarname.html
Your header was in cells of cells format instead of cells of strings format, that's why I applied
header = cellfun(@char, header, 'un', 0);
Your dataset contained mixed numeric and string cells, so I converted all of them to strings.
Dataset = cellfun(@num2str, Dataset, 'un', 0);
Usually it's not necessary but it seemed to be the easiest way to fix your problem.
You may also accept my other answer, because that is more general, so that it might help others to solve their problems (and helps me to achieve rising star badge :-))

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