Marking the peak of a plot automatically without having to click on it
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Lisa Justin
on 29 Aug 2012
Answered: Sergio Yanez-Pagans
on 28 Mar 2021
Is it possible to mark the peak of a plot automatically with a command without having to to mark on each plot.
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 29 Aug 2012
Edited: Star Strider
on 29 Aug 2012
If you have the Signal Processing Toobox, I suggest the findpeaks function with two outputs so that you get the value of the function at the peak as well as the index of your x-variable at which the peak occurs.
For example:
[Peak, PeakIdx] = findpeaks(Y);
and the label would then be:
text(x(PeakIdx), Peak, sprintf('Peak = %6.3f', Peak));
To illustrate:
X = [0:0.1:pi]';
Y = sin(X);
[Peak, PeakIdx] = findpeaks(Y);
plot(X, Y)
text(X(PeakIdx), Peak, sprintf('Peak = %6.3f', Peak))
1 Comment
on 29 Mar 2016
What if I have multiple peaks and I want the apply the label respectively? How should I write the text command?
Thank you!
More Answers (3)
Wayne King
on 29 Aug 2012
Do you know the value of the peak?, then yes, it's easy.
x = randn(100,1);
[val,I] = max(x);
plot(x); hold on;
plot(I,val,'r^','markerfacecolor',[1 0 0])
Ilham Hardy
on 29 Aug 2012
Below link is the 'how-to' display tooltip syntactically..
Happy reading,
Sergio Yanez-Pagans
on 28 Mar 2021
You could use my MATLAB File Exchange function:
Hope you find this useful!
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