Error while running Ti mmWave AWR1642 people count program

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I am using mmWave AWR1642 (a millimeter radar product by Texas Istruments) and trying to run the Matlab code 'setup.m' in people count project in mmwave industrial toolbox after flashing AWR1642 and getting some errors as follows
No appropriate method, property, or field 'UserData' for class ''.
Error in setup>btnConnect_Callback (line 264)
controlSerialPort = hUARTPort.UserData.strPort;
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in setup (line 42)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)setup('btnConnect_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Error using uiwait (line 81)

Answers (1)

Gayatri Menon
Gayatri Menon on 5 Apr 2024
For MATLAB releases R2023b and above, you can use the Radar Toolbox Support Package for Texas Instruments mmWave Radar Sensors to read detections from TI mmWave radar in MATLAB and this example might be of interest for you for people counting using TI mmWave radar.
Hope this helps

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