about canonical huffman tables.

1 view (last 30 days)
lou ham
lou ham on 18 Jun 2019
Answered: arushi on 12 Aug 2024
I'm working on image compression, I need to use the canonical huffman tables.
Is there any algorithm to generate them?

Answers (1)

arushi on 12 Aug 2024
Hi Lou,
Steps to Generate Canonical Huffman Tables
Generate the Huffman Tree:
  • Calculate the frequency of each symbol in the input data.
  • Build the Huffman tree based on these frequencies.
  • Generate the initial Huffman codes from the tree.
Calculate Code Lengths:
  • Determine the length of each Huffman code generated in the previous step.
Sort Symbols by Code Length and Lexicographically:
  • Sort the symbols primarily by the code length and secondarily by the symbol value.
Generate Canonical Huffman Codes:
  • Assign the shortest code to the first symbol in the sorted list.
  • Incrementally assign codes to the subsequent symbols, ensuring that each code is lexicographically greater than the previous one.
Hope this helps.

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