Rearrange matrices in a cell array

3 views (last 30 days)
vanrapa on 10 Apr 2019
Commented: vanrapa on 12 Apr 2019
I am generating some 10 square matrices (4x4), say 1 to 10, using a for loop and storing it in a cell array. And I am also generating another square matrix (4x4), say x, which I would need to move to some position in the cell array depending on user input.
For example, if the user specifies 3, then the matrices should be rearranged such that,
1 then 2 then x then 3 then 4 and so on till 10.
Similarly, if the user specifies 2, then the arrangement would be,
1 then x then 2 then 3 and so on till 10.
It is very important that I reorder the matrix ‘x’ to the specified position, as I would be adding the matrix elements in each position in a particular way.
So how do I go about doing that?
I have written the following code so far,
n = 10 ;
gbsfm = cell(n, 1) ;
for i = 1 : n
a11 = rand(1,1)
a12 = rand(1,1)
a21 = rand(1,1)
a22 = rand(1,1)
A=[a11 a12 0 0; a21 a22 0 0; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0]
gbsfm{i} = A
val = gbsfm{i};
gbsm = sprintf('matrix_%d.mat',i);
But I have no idea as to how to proceed further. Any pointers would be very helpful.

Accepted Answer

Alex Mcaulley
Alex Mcaulley on 10 Apr 2019
data = cell(1,10);
data(:) = {deal(rand(4))};
idx = 1;
x = rand(4);
newData = [data(1:idx-1),x,data(idx:end-1)];
  1 Comment
vanrapa on 11 Apr 2019
Thank you for simplying my code. Works perfectly. thank you.

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More Answers (1)

Daniel on 10 Apr 2019
Edited: Daniel on 10 Apr 2019
Hi vanrapa,
you would need to expand the existing cell array by one element, shift the existing elements and store the new matrix at the desired index...
Hope this helps...
% this would be the index you want your new matrix to be stored at
idx = 2;
% Expand the cell array by one element and shift the existing
% elements starting from idx
gbsfm(idx+1:end+1,1) = gbsfm(idx:end,1);
% insert the new matrix
gbsfm(idx,1) = newMatrix;
Daniel on 11 Apr 2019
Sorry, you need to use curly braces in my last line of code...
% insert the new matrix
gbsfm{idx,1} = newMatrix;
vanrapa on 12 Apr 2019
I guessed so later and changed the last line,
gbsfm{1,idx} = newMatrix;
It generated desired results. Thanks.

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