I have figured out the issue with the fitting. The
are also functions of Temperatures and they need to be varied leaving
and α only global fitting parametes.

clear; close all;
Eb_112T_a0=[1.7425 1.2007 0.7870 0.4811 0.2401 0.0541 0];
stress_112T_a0=[5.4876 5.5985 5.684 5.7465 5.7834 5.7958 5.806649218241550];
Eb_112T_a1=[1.7425 1.2007 0.7870 0.4811 0.2401 0.0541];
stress_112T_a1=[5.4876 5.5985 5.684 5.7465 5.7834 5.7958 ];
Eb_112T_a2=[1.6581 1.1312 0.7297 0.4370 0.2080 0.0348];
stress_112T_a2=[5.4266 5.5390 5.627 5.6909 5.7304 5.7457];
Eb_112T_a3=[1.4527 0.9538 0.5814 0.3186];
stress_112T_a3=[5.2062 5.318 5.4078 5.474 ];
Temp=[1.2041e+03 2.4082e+03 4.8163e+03];
tau=[ stress_112T_a1 stress_112T_a2 stress_112T_a3];
Eb=[Eb_112T_a1 Eb_112T_a2 Eb_112T_a3];
dsid = [1*ones(length(stress_112T_a1),1); 2*ones(length(stress_112T_a2),1); 3*ones(length(stress_112T_a3),1)];
T = [tau' dsid];
%b = nlinfit(T,Eb',@subfun,[15 5.9 2 8000])
b=lsqcurvefit(@subfun,[2 5.7958 5.7457 5.4740 1 1.2041 2.4082 4.8163],T,Eb',[30 5.7958 5.7457 5.4740 .5 1.2041 2.4082 4.8163],[100 5.9 5.85 5.5 2.8 2 3.5 6])
hold all
% plot(stress_112T_a0, Eb_112T_a0,'o')
% plot(stress_112T_a0, H_pred0)
plot(stress_112T_a1, Eb_112T_a1,'s')
plot(stress_112T_a1, H_pred1)
plot(stress_112T_a2, Eb_112T_a2,'d')
plot(stress_112T_a2, H_pred2)
plot(stress_112T_a3, Eb_112T_a3,'p')
plot(stress_112T_a3, H_pred3)
hold off
function yfit = subfun(params,T)
temp=[1.2041e+03 2.4082e+03 4.8163e+03]';
X = T(:,1);
dsid = T(:,2);
A0 = params(1);
A1 = params(2:4)';
yfit = (A0.*(1-(X./A1(dsid))).^A2).*(1-(temp(dsid)./(A3(dsid)*1e3))).*heaviside(1-(X./A1(dsid))).*heaviside(1-temp(dsid)./(A3(dsid)*1e3));