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problem with university's license

1 view (last 30 days)
Michael BOLDRINI on 27 Feb 2019
Edited: Steven Lord on 28 Feb 2019
How can I change the use of MathWorks software?
My university has a license for Matlab, but the problem is that I flag "student use" instead of "Teaching or research in school"

Answers (1)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser on 28 Feb 2019
Edited: Steven Lord on 28 Feb 2019
If you are talking about the way how your data is stored at MathWorks, my best guess is you contact Customer Service.
If it is about the type of license you use at university, your IT should be the point of contact. If they need, they can contact MathWorks Installation Support.
[SL: fixed typo.]


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